.。˚♡椰香北海道戚風蛋糕🧁|||這個小蛋糕真的吃不膩,好吃 愛吃 還要吃系列
不太甜也不膩 咖啡的香味夾雜椰香,胖乎乎軟綿綿,太喜歡啦~


1. 將4個蛋黃蛋清分離,蛋清放入冰箱冷藏備用
2. 牛奶加入椰漿和玉米油攪拌均勻至乳化,再篩入低筋麵粉攪拌均勻
3. 蛋白加入白砂糖,打發至可提起小彎勾
4. 取1/3蛋白到麵糊中翻拌均勻,隨後將麵糊倒入蛋白中翻拌均勻,裝入裱花袋,擠入模具中
5. 放入提前預熱好的烤箱,中下層120度烤60分鐘(僅供參考)
6. 待蛋糕稍微冷點之後,用筷子把中心戳一個洞(可旋轉一下筷子,以便可以擠入更多的卡士達醬)

1. 蛋黃中加入白砂糖攪拌均勻
2. 篩入玉米澱粉攪拌至無乾粉
3. 牛奶+椰漿+凍干咖啡一起倒入鍋中加熱
4. 將加熱好的咖啡奶液倒入蛋黃糊中,邊倒邊攪拌,隨後倒入奶鍋中不停的攪拌,直至濃稠,再倒入碗中保鮮膜貼面,放入冰箱冷藏降溫
5. 將冷藏好的卡士達醬打發至順滑,再倒入淡奶油打發,裝入裱花袋,擠入蛋糕中 撒上椰蓉即可

.。˚♡Coconut-flavored Hokkaido chiffon cake🧁|||This little cake is really delicious. I love it and I want to eat it again. It is not too sweet or greasy. The aroma of coffee is mixed with coconut aroma. It is plump and soft. I love it so much~

▪️Ingredients for chiffon cake (6 pieces, the paper cup is high):
4 eggs, 30g milk, 60g low-gluten flour, 50g coconut milk, 30g corn oil, 30g white sugar

▪️Ingredients for custard cream sauce (there will be a lot more, you can reduce the amount):
2 egg yolks, 90g milk, 75 coconut milk, 100g whipped cream, 15g white sugar, 15g corn starch, 4g freeze-dried coffee
▪️How to make chiffon cake:
1. Separate the egg yolks and egg whites of 4 eggs, and put the egg whites in the refrigerator for later use
2. Add coconut milk and corn oil to milk and stir evenly until emulsified, then sift in low-gluten flour and stir evenly
3. Add sugar to egg whites and beat until a small hook can be lifted
4. Take 1/3 of the egg whites and stir evenly in the batter, then pour the batter into the egg whites and stir evenly, put into a piping bag, and squeeze into the mold
5. Put it into the preheated oven and bake at 120 degrees in the middle and lower layers for 60 minutes (for reference only)
6. After the cake is slightly cool, use chopsticks to poke a hole in the center (you can rotate the chopsticks so that more custard sauce can be squeezed in)