自製紫薯粉 Homemade Purple Sweet Potato Powder!!

2019-01-11     曹強育     反饋

自製紫薯粉 Homemade Purple Sweet Potato Powder


Source from Internet 來源自網路

自製紫薯粉 Homemade Purple SweetPotatoPowder

Ingredients 食材 :

1.5kg purple sweet potato with skin 紫薯連皮

( makes about 280g sweet potato powder能做出約280克紫薯粉)

Method 方法:

1. Wash & scrub the purple sweet potatoes clean.


2. Steam with skin for about 30~35 minutes till soft.


Steaming in process.....

3. After the purple sweet potatoes are steamed soft, peel offtheskin and use a fork to mash it up.


4. Use a spoon to spread the mashed purple sweet potato verythinlyonto a non-stick baking paper.

4。將壓成泥狀的紫薯鋪在不沾烤紙上, 用湯匙推開成薄薄一片。

5. Bake in an oven using 50~70 degree Celcius top/bottom heatfanforced for about 2~3 hours. (Adjust timing according tothemoistness and thickness of the mashed purple sweet potatoes.)

5。開動烘爐以50~70攝氏度上下火風扇功能烘2~3小時。 (時間以紫薯的水份和泥的厚薄調節)

6. When the purple mashed potatoes become crisp paper-like andiseasy to peel off the non-stick baking paper, itisdone.


7. Put it into a food processor and grind it to apowderform.


8. Pour it into a sieve. Re-grind those that did not pass throughitand grind till it becomes powder form.


Isn't this beautiful?


9. Store in a clear glass container in roomtemperature (awayfrom sunlight, heat andmoisture) for 3~4 months.



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