保證讓你口水直流!! 教你自製百搭Sambal辣椒醬,配什麼都好吃!煮了還能收在冰箱,想幾時用才拿出來啦~

2019-01-08     曹強育     反饋

自製叄巴辣椒醬 Homemade Sambal Chili Paste






現在小孩比較大了,我有了自己的時間可以慢慢的研究喜歡的菜色,小孩也慢慢開始學習「吃香喝辣」,哈哈哈哈哈~ 現在不學,更待何時?





食物處理機 Food Processor/Food grinder


100g-120g 辣椒干 Dried Chili (喜歡比較辣的話,可以用100g辣椒干+10g新鮮小辣椒)

70g 小蔥頭 Shallot, peeled

30g 蒜頭 Garlic, peeled

5-6粒 石栗果 Candlenuts/Buah Keras

35-40g 蝦膏 Belacan/Shrimp Paste

1/3食指長 黃姜 Tumeric (或1茶匙黃姜粉 or substitute with 1tsp of Tumeric powder)

一碗食油 Cooking oil (吃飯的碗)

1-2湯匙 白砂糖 Sugar


1. 辣椒干泡軟、以食物處理機攪爛備用,要盡量攪至碎爛。

Soak the dried chili to soft, blend until become paste with food processor.

2. 小蔥頭、蒜頭去皮,連同石栗果,蝦醬和黃姜一起攪爛,如果用的是黃姜粉,就不需要


Blend shallot, garlic, candlenuts, belacan & tumeric until fine or paste like. If you are

using tumeric powder, do not add into the the misture and blend together.

3. 燒熱食油,先將(2)以中火炒香, 加入(1)以最小火炒至少40 分鐘, 完成前加入黃姜粉翻炒

幾下(如果用的是黃姜粉) 再加入砂糖翻炒至糖融化即可。

Heat Wok with cooking oil, add in (2) and stir fry with medium frame till fragrance,

add in (1), continue to stir fry with smallest frame for at least 40 mins. Add in

tumeric powder (if you are using) and stir fry for awhile, lastly, add in sugar and stir until

sugar is totally dissolve.

4. 熄火待至完全冷卻,以乾淨、乾燥的食物盒儲存於冰箱/冰格即可。

Leave the paste in the wok till completely cold before store into clean & dry container,

keep in fridge or freezer.


1. 加入辣椒(1)後,火一定要小,手要一直翻炒,不然很容易燒焦。燒焦的辣椒醬會有苦味。

2. 蝦膏可以先用烤爐以100c烤8-10分鐘,或是干鍋中火烤香,我懶惰,哈哈哈!

3. 收藏在冰箱的叄巴辣椒醬可以耐至少三個月,不過要注意每次開罐取用時湯匙一定要乾淨、乾爽。用完收藏前記得查看蓋子,要是有水分,記得抹乾再蓋緊。

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